
When you use AppLovin Ecomm and enable AppLovin’s pixel, script, or other integrations (as applicable), you are fully responsible for complying with applicable privacy laws, including transparently describing your data sharing practices to your customers, collecting and sharing users’ consent, and managing users’ personal information.  
Before you begin the AppLovin Ecomm integration process, install any associated pixels, scripts, or other integrations, or otherwise share any data with AppLovin, you must:
  • Review and abide by AppLovin’s  Privacy Policy ,  Terms of Use Agreement , and  Policies for Demand Partners .
  • Be sure that your privacy policy accurately discloses your collection, use, and sharing of data with third parties like AppLovin, and can be easily accessed from your website (and other locations as applicable).
  • List AppLovin in your privacy policy as a third-party that collects data, describe how data is shared with and used by third parties like AppLovin, and include the following statement and link in your privacy policy.  “For more information about AppLovin’s collection and use of your information visit: .”
  • Ensure that you comply with data and other limitations specific to your use of AppLovin Ecomm and enablement of AppLovin’s pixel, script, or other integrations, as described in the AppLovin  technical integration documentation  and in other documentation and communications from AppLovin.
  • Implement a compliant cookie banner (or comparable mechanism), disclose your enablement of AppLovin’s pixel, script, or other integrations, and respect end user consent choices as required under applicable laws. 
  • Ensure that no sensitive personal data (including children data) or custom events or objects will be shared with AppLovin.
This framework helps facilitate compliance with certain U.S. multi-state privacy requirements and laws of similar effect.  However, privacy and regulatory requirements extend beyond these. You should solicit your own legal advice to determine how legal requirements apply to you. Nothing in this document should be construed as legal advice.
Prohibition on Using AppLovin Ecomm for Children 
As explained in AppLovin’s  Terms of Use Agreement  and  Policies for Demand Partners , you may not use AppLovin Ecomm in connection with a user who qualifies as a “child” under applicable laws.  In addition, you may not provide AppLovin with children data or cause that information to be provided via a third party.  As such, you may not initialize or use any associated pixels, scripts, or other integrations or otherwise use AppLovin Ecomm in connection with a “child” as defined under applicable laws.