Pixel Helper Checklist

Install the  Pixel Helper  and review the  public documentation 
Before conducting a full check with the  Pixel Helper , clear all cookies on the site and do not interact with the cookie banner. In order for campaigns to be launched with valid events, we must see the pixel fire
  • Use VPN as necessary to replicate U.S. visitor experience
  • Ensure AppLovin tag fires after consent election is established for cookie banner

Using the  Pixel Helper , confirm you are using the correct event key (Axon Event Key, not Reporting Key) as each domain name should only have one unique event key. This is important for clients promoting multiple brands across multiple domains

Ensure that the “Axon Script is missing” dialog in the Pixel Helper does not appear on any page on your site

For Purchase optimize campaigns - using the  Pixel Helper , confirm the five required events view_page , view_item, add_to_cart, begin_checkout, and purchase fire with no “red” errors
  • Depending on the site’s configuration, it is acceptable if multiple required events fire at the same time - for instance
  • Simple site with a single SKU featured on the landing page - acceptable for view_item and page_view to be triggered simultaneously on landing
  • There is no “cart” and there is a single click to trigger starting the purchase process - acceptable to fire add_to_cart and begin_checkout simultaneously
  • Avoid triggering add_to_cart for a high volume events like page and item views
  • Shop Pay Redirect: If you are automatically signed into Shop Pay, please log out by scrolling to the bottom of the checkout screen and choosing “checkout as guest” to continue testing with the Pixel Helper.

Recommended: axwrt first party cookie for Google Tag Manager Integrations
  • The axwrt first party cookie should be set on the server side and helps improve signal quality for instances where a large portion of conversions occur 24 hours after initial click

Recommended: image_url, item_variant_id, and item_category
  • We recommend implementing these as they are necessary for us to generate DPAs (Dynamic Product Ads) which can enhance performance