New Campaigns

As part of the current Beta, your initial campaign structure will need to be set live by your AppLovin rep after they review it.We currently launch with a dual campaign structure, so you will need to create one CPP and one ROAS campaign in order to maximize scaling potential
  • Campaign Name: We recommend you name your campaign as Brandname_CPP and Brandname_ROAS
  • Landing URL: The default landing URL for the campaign will be a fallback - you could for example use your homepage URL - as we recommend setting a custom landing URL for each creative set
  • Ignore the Tracking URL section as this currently does not have any functionality
No Entry In general, we recommend campaign consolidation to a maximum of three CPP campaigns grouped by low / medium / high AOV and one single ROAS campaign. We do not recommend advertisers to create additional campaigns beyond these. Adding additional campaigns generally does not improve performance

Screen 1 - Basic Info

Screen 2 - Bidding & Daily Budget

As part of the credit offered during the AppLovin Beta, set $500 budget for each of the ROAS and CPP budgets for a total $1,000 daily budget. While the ROAS Bid Type notes "IAP Based" that can be disregarded - revenue for ecommerce campaigns will be based on purchases that happen on your website, not IAP.
Campaigns will initially be set by default to  Maximize Results  pacing. Although Bid Amount should not impact this type of pacing, the Bid you enter should accurately reflect your true Day0 CPP or Day0 ROAS* goals.

*Impt note for ROAS campaigns: make sure your ROAS campaign's goal is set in percentage units (e.g. 200 for 2.0x, not 2.0)

Next, add 5-6  Creative Sets  to one of your campaigns. You will then be able to clone over all the Creative Sets to your second campaign.