Payments and Billing

Payment Options

  • At the end of the month or first few days of the following month, you will be invoiced via email to the billing email address you initially indicated in your IO form, and you will have 30 days to pay via Wire or ACH
  • We only send invoices via email and cannot upload monthly invoices into your system
  • You will be invoiced for the amount shown in the dashboard in your account less ad credit. There are no additional fees.
  • Please disregard the payment flag in the UI; payment by credit card is not currently supported 

Initial Ad Credit

  • After the initial ad credit (for instance $10,000 for Beta participants) is consumed, the account will move to billing and the client will be invoiced for any additional spend
  • Please take note of the spend in your account; once it exceeds $10,000 any additional balance will be invoiced at the end of the month

Prepayment / Early Invoice

  • We do not issue invoices early, however you are welcome to prepay media spend based on the billable spend in the UI dashboard
  • Please ensure the payment includes your company name and/ or prior invoice numbers
  • Please email  and cc your AppLovin rep for visibility. They can provide additional guidance and bank information

AppLovin W-9 and Bank Account Information

  • Please ask your AppLovin rep to provide if you need it

Accounting contact at AppLovin
