Unique Domains

Each ad account has its own unique Axon Event Key which can only be installed on and associated with one domain name (multiple subdomains are okay).
We do not allow:
  • Multiple instances of our pixel with different Axon Event Keys installed on one domain
  • One Axon Event Key to be applied across multiple domains
  • One AppLovin account to be associated with multiple domains
  • More than one AppLovin account to be associated with the same domain

Guidance for different business cases
  • If your business utilizes multiple domain names, please consolidate to one domain name that matches across your landing page and your checkout process if you want to utilize CPP (cost per purchase) campaigns
  • For instance if your typically use:
  •  landingpageforMyProduct.com  for landing URL and  checkoutforMyProduct.com  for your checkout URL
  • Provide a version of your landing page that exists on  checkoutforMyProduct.com 
  • If your business drives affiliate traffic to other sites where the checkout occurs (and you do not own the site where the checkout occurs), you can use a CPE (cost per event, lead generation) model where the affiliate click is the target event for optimization