Pacing Modes

The pacing mode of your CPP and ROAS campaigns allow you to choose how you'd like the model to bid and spend your budget.
  • Maximize Results
  • All campaigns start on this bidding strategy at launch, where it will spend the full budget at the most efficient performance outcome.
  • Since the system is optimizing to the best outcome possible, the set CPP or ROAS goal in the Campaign Settings will be disregarded by the model after launch.
  • Maximize Results with Cap
  • This mode will spend the budget on users it predicts will convert and generate an outcome better than the goal set in the Campaign Settings.
  • Attempts to maximize spend within the boundaries of predicted results, but may not spend entire budget depending on external conditions such as market and site conversion rate
  • May lead to greater spend volatility while generally providing guardrails around achieved target. Adherence to the set goal is not guaranteed.
  • Currently requires an AppLovin rep to enable; spend and campaign maturity requirements must be met for best performance.