API Access

For custom reporting needs, please use the  API documentation here 
The Report Key will be required and this can be found only in the Master Account for the account. Please use the Report Key and not the Axon Event Key

Export Spend Data into CSV/JSON

Generate the report in CSV file by executing the CURL Command

    Locate your api_key
    Log in to  dash.applovin.com  from the Master Account
    Go to the Account tab.
    Find and copy your Report Key under the "Keys" section.
    Put the following URL after replacing the right attributes
  • YOUR_API_KEY with your actual API Report Key.
  • START_DATE and END_DATE with the desired date range in the format YYYY-MM-DD.
For json file, replace:
  • format=csv to format=json in the URL above
Additional related columns can be referenced  here  for further context and analysis.