As explained in the Demand Partner Policies , Demand Partners may be permitted to deliver ads containing restricted content, such as alcohol or alcohol-related content, if the ads and associated products and services strictly adhere to any country- or region-specific laws, rules, or regulations (including any age-related restrictions, licensing/certification requirements, labeling and disclaimer requirements, advertising guidelines, self-regulatory requirements or recommendations, and any similar guidance or requirements), the Demand Partner Policies , and any other applicable AppLovin policies or agreements, and obtain express approval from the AppLovin Team. Demand Partners seeking to deliver ads for alcohol, alcohol-related products, or similar content through the Services must also ensure their products and ads meet the following minimum criteria:
- Advertisers must ensure that they have all necessary authorizations and licenses required under applicable laws (and produce them on request) to market, promote, and ship their products.
- Ads must clearly state the alcoholic content and strength of a beverage.
- Ads must include an appropriate responsible drinking and age disclaimer, such as “Please drink responsibly; you must be 21+ to purchase.”
- Advertisers may not target individuals under the age of 21.
- Ads may not depict products or use imagery or situations that would naturally appeal to underage individuals or attempt to promote or encourage underage use.
- Ads may not feature pregnant people or individuals under the age of 25.
- Advertisers must ensure that their ads only target states where the advertiser can lawfully distribute and ship the product. The following provides general state-specific information, which may change over time and Advertisers must independently confirm:
- Allow the shipment of all spirits subject to requirements: District of Columbia, Florida, Hawaii, Kentucky, Nebraska, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and West Virginia.
- Allow the shipment of beer and wine subject to requirements: Delaware, Massachusetts, Montana, North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, Vermont, and Virginia.
- Allow the shipment of wine, cider, and mead subject to requirements: Connecticut and New Jersey.
- Allow the shipment of wine and cider subject to requirements: New Mexico.
- Allow the shipment of beer, wine, and cider subject to requirements: Oregon.
- Allow the shipment of wine and mead subject to requirements: Arkansas.
- Allow the shipment of wine subject to requirements: All other U.S. States, including California and New York, except for Mississippi and Utah.
- Ads may not state or imply that drinking alcohol can improve social, sexual, professional, intellectual, or athletic standing, or provide health or therapeutic benefits (e.g., “ease stress” or “make you more social”).
- Ads may not portray excessive drinking, intoxication, or reckless behavior under the influence of alcohol.
- Ads may not depict alcohol consumption in conjunction with the operation of a vehicle of any kind, the operation of machinery, or the use of fine motor skills.
- Ads may not offer alcohol as a prize or reward or promote any offers or incentives encouraging the consumption of alcohol.
- Consistent with applicable laws, ads may not glamorize, glorify, or otherwise exaggerate the benefits of the products.
- Ads may not promote products that have been subject to any government or regulatory action or warning.
- Advertisers must ensure that the landing page(s) for the product(s) include an adequate age gate and appropriate disclaimers consistent with applicable laws.
- The landing page(s) for ads served through the Services may not direct end users to content that does not comply with these guidelines and the Demand Partner Policies or that contains or may contain prohibited content.