Goal Changes


  • Change the CPP bid at the Campaign level within "Edit Campaign Targeting"
  • The CPP Bid will only actively impact your campaign when it is on  CPP Goal Pacing 
  • Warning Refrain from adjusting the CPP bid. It is a sensitive lever, and doing so frequently could negatively impact your scale and performance.



  • Change the ROAS goal at the Campaign level within "Edit Campaign Targeting"
  • The ROAS Goal will only actively impact your campaign when it is on  ROAS Goal Pacing 
  • Warning Refrain from adjusting the ROAS Goal. It is a sensitive lever, and doing so frequently could negatively impact your scale and performance.
  • Warning The ROAS goal should be input in percentage units, rather than "decimal units". For example, if your goal is 200% ROAS, input "200", not "2".