Prohibited Content

Demand Partners may not use the Services to deliver ads containing any of the following prohibited content categories:
  • Illegal or illicit products, activities, or services.
  • Sexually explicit or other adult content, including pornographic or highly suggestive content or images, explicit, obscured or implied sexual acts, or explicit or implied sexual language, whether simulated or real.  More details here. 
  • Graphic or explicit violence, including assault/rape, injury to human beings or animals, or any acts or torture or terrorism.  More details here. 
  • Harassment, intimidation, bullying, excessive profanity, threats, or content that can be characterized as hate speech that advocates violence or discrimination against any group, organization, or individual.  This includes groups, organizations, or individuals identified by their race or ethnic origin, religion, disability/medical condition, age, national origin, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, political association, or any other characteristic associated with systemic discrimination or marginalization.  More details here. 
  • Illegal drugs, drug paraphernalia, or substance abuse.  More details here. 
  • Weapons and weapon accessories, including guns, gun accessories or ammunition, and explosives.  More details here. 
  • Content that violates or infringes upon any third-party intellectual property rights, including the sale or promotion of counterfeit products, file sharing, torrenting, or other infringing content, or content that violates or infringes any other third-party rights, including confidentiality obligations.
  • Defamatory or libelous content.
  • Content that makes misleading, deceptive, or unrealistic claims, unreliable or harmful claims, or enables dishonest behavior.  This includes things like make-money-fast schemes, chain letters, or pyramid schemes, or products or services that help users mislead others or gain unauthorized access to systems, devices, or property.  More details here. 
  • Content that entices engagement under false or unclear pretenses, attempts to obtain personal information unlawfully or fraudulently, or trick users into sharing personal information.
  • False or misleading news.
  • Internet abuse, including the use or distribution of viruses or spyware/malware, corrupted files, or other materials that could damage, render inoperable, or gain unauthorized access to any computer, device, network, or any of the associated data or personal information.
  • Promotion of black-hat hacking, cracking, or warez.
  • Political. This may include candidate advertising and political party advertising.
  • Content that promotes digital assets that contains more ads than Publisher content, appears designed primarily to display ads, or would otherwise fail to meet the Minimum Content Requirements of the  AppLovin Policies for Publishers .
  • Content that promotes launcher apps (or similar digital assets) that have the ability to customize default device home screens or launcher settings (or perform similar functions).
  • Content that promises cash or cash-like rewards to users for carrying out lists of activities and tasks.
  • Content or material that offers traffic generation or promotes fraudulent traffic.
  • Other forms of shocking, disturbing, or offensive content, including but not limited to graphic depictions of bodily functions or fluids, or grotesque images, footage, or audio, or other potentially offensive, obscene, or sensitive events.  More details here.