AppLovin Ecomm Policies

As explained in AppLovin's  Demand Partner Policies , advertisers must ensure that their ads and the associated products and services comply with all applicable laws and regulations, the  Demand Partner Policies , any other requirements provided by AppLovin.
Before attempting to serve ads through our platform, you must:
  • Review and ensure compliance with the  Demand Partner Policies , including the requirements specific to  Prohibited Content  and  Restricted Content  and the following associated Additional Guidelines:
  • Prohibited Content
  •  Illegal, illicit, dangerous, or unsafe products, activities, or services 
  •  Sexually Explicit or Other Adult Content 
  •  Harassment or Profanity 
  •  Illegal drugs, drug paraphernalia, or substance abuse 
  •  Weapons and weapon accessories, including guns, gun accessories or ammunition, and explosives 
  •  Misleading or Deceptive Content 
  •  Scams and False or Unclear Pretenses 
  •  Politics and Elections 
  • Restricted Content
  •  Alcohol or alcohol-related content 
  •  CBD/Hemp Products 
  •  Financial Services, investing, retirement planning, banking, or similar 
  •  Health, wellness, and pharmaceutical products and services, including prescription drugs 
  • Review and ensure compliance with the  Additional Content Guidelines Specific to AppLovin Ecomm  and any other requirements provided by AppLovin.
  • Review and ensure compliance with the  Privacy  page and any other requirements under applicable privacy laws.